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We study the earliest steps of human development from the zygote to an adult functional cell to learn fundamental principles about development and cell differentiation.
Join us to figure out some important challenges:
Disease Modeling and Cell Therapy for Diabetes. Understanding metabolic disorders using stem cells.
Understanding genome stability and preventing abnormalities in early development. See why in Nature.
Physiological function of late replicating fragile sites. Read why here.
The Egli lab is located in New York City, United States.
Our most recent published work:
​Discover how embryos begin to organize their genome at the very beginning of life.
​PhD Student Shuangyi Xu and postdoctoral fellow Ning Wang discover that embryos establish a pattern of DNA replication in the first cell cycle, concordant with compartmentalization. This also shapes the stability and instability of specific genomic regions:
DNA replication in early mammalian embryos is patterned, predisposing lamina-associated regions to fragility. Xu, Wang et al. Nat Comms 2024
Genome organization and stability in mammalian pre-implantation development
Xu, Egli et al. DNA Repair 2024
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